Small Business Restructuring Process


Is your business eligible?

Complete the below questionnaire to determine if your business is eligible.

Eligibility Questionnaire

Question 1: Is a company trading your business?

Unfortunately, your business does not qualify.

The Small Business Restructuring Process is only available to incorporated entities: e.g. ABC Pty Ltd. The process is not available to sole traders or partnerships.

Please complete the below form and a staff member will contact you to discuss other options available to your business:


    Business Name

    Phone Number

    Email Address

    Question 2: Is your company still trading?

    Unfortunately, your company does not qualify.

    The Small Business Restructuring Process is only available to companies that are trading.

    As your company is no longer trading, liquidation may be a suitable option. Please complete the below form and a staff member will contact you to discuss options available to your company:


      Company Name

      Phone Number

      Email Address

      Question 3: Are all employee entitlements paid (including superannuation)?

      Can your company’s outstanding employee entitlements be paid in full prior to commencing the SBRP?

      Unfortunately, your company does not qualify.

      The Small Business Restructuring Process is only available to companies that have paid all outstanding employee entitlements (including superannuation).

      Voluntary Administration or Liquidation may be suitable options for your company. Please complete the below form and a staff member will contact you to discuss options available to your company:


        Company Name

        Phone Number

        Email Address

        Question 4: Are your company’s ATO income tax returns and BAS lodgements up to date?

        Can your company’s outstanding ATO lodgements be submitted prior to commencing the SBRP?

        Unfortunately, your company does not qualify.

        The Small Business Restructuring Process is only available to companies that have submitted all of their outstanding ATO lodgements.

        Voluntary Administration or Liquidation may be suitable options for your company. Please complete the below form and a staff member will contact you to discuss options available to your company:


          Company Name

          Phone Number

          Email Address

          Question 5: Are your company’s total liabilities less than $1,000,000?

          Unfortunately, your company does not qualify.

          The Small Business Restructuring Process is only available to companies that have debts under $1,000,000.

          Voluntary Administration or Liquidation may be suitable options for your company. Please complete the below form and a staff member will contact you to discuss options available to your company:


            Company Name

            Phone Number

            Email Address

            Question 6: Has your company or its directors not previously accessed the SBRP or Simplified Liquidation process in the last 7 years?

            Unfortunately, your company does not qualify.

            The Small Business Restructuring Process is only available to companies and directors that have not used the process more than once within a prescribed period of 7 years.

            Voluntary Administration or Liquidation may be suitable options for your company. Please complete the below form and a staff member will contact you to discuss options available to your company:


              Company Name

              Phone Number

              Email Address

              Your company is eligible for the SBRP based on your responses to the above questions.

              Please complete the below form and a staff member will contact you to discuss your company and the process in more detail:


                Company Name

                Phone Number

                Email Address